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XU Bin: The Evolution of European Civilization: Industrialization
June 24, 2024  

Author: XU Bin (Professor of IEC, Tianjin Normal University)

Publisher: The Commercial Press

Publication Date: April 2024

ISBN: 978-7-100-23221-0


The industrial development is an important facet of the transformation of European civilization. One of the most remarkable achievements of European civilization and one of the features of its modernity was industrialization, or the industrial revolution. Focusing on the growth of industry from the perspective of European civilization, this volume presents a basic picture of industrial development and change in Europe from the Middle Ages to the early modern period, covering the distribution, organization, and trade of industry, the origins of and differences in industrialization, theoretical explanations and divergences, and much more. The author's exploration of the origins of the Industrial Revolution is particularly illuminating, emphasizing the close relationship between the nation-state and industrial development, and the fact that political and social circumstances were key to triggering the Industrial Revolution rather than the other way around. Industrialization can be achieved in different ways, and both pioneers and latecomers can choose their own advantageous paths.


Institute of European Civilazation