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Professor LIU Zhangcai
July 4, 2021  

Liu Zhangcai



• History, Hebei Normal University, September 1995–June 1999

• History, Sichuan University, September 1999–June 2002

• History, Capital Normal University, September 2005–June 2008


• October 2020–December 2023,Associate Professor at the Institute of European Civilization and Faculty of History, Tianjin Normal University

• January 2024–present, Professor at the Institute of European Civilization and Faculty of History, Tianjin Normal University

Research Areas:

• History of the Modern World

• History of Sino-Western Cultural Exchange

• History of Tea

Teaching Experiences:

• History of the Modern World

• History of Cultural Exchange between China and the West

• Tea Culture

Language Skills:

• English

• Chinese

Representative Publications:

1.A Study of Tea Culture of Britain (1650-1900), Beijing: China Social Sciences Press,2021.

2.“Analysis of Localization of Tea Drinking in Britain of Modern Age”, World History, No.1,2019.

3.“On the Controversy about Tea in Britain during the 18th Century”, World History, No.1,2015.

4.“Competition between Tea and Coffee in Modern Britain”, Guangming Daily (World History), May 9, 2015.

5.“‘Bread is the Staff of Life’: Diet of Ancient Greek and Roman People”, Guangming Daily (World History), November 26,2018.

6.“Encounter Elixir: The Introduction and Translation of the Efficacy of Tea by Missionaries in the Early Modern Times and its Dissemination in Britain”, Journal of Social History of Medicine, Vol. VII, No.2, December 2022.

7.“‘Miracle Commodity’: On Tea Trade between China and Britain in the 18th Century”, Studies of Maritime History, August 2018.

8.“On the Commutation Act of 1784”, Asian Study (Korea), July 2014.

9.“On Chinese Learning of Jesuits in Macao”, Review of Culture (Macao), No.3,2014.

10.“Christianity and the Spread of Tea to the West”, Journal of Macao Studies (Macao), No.3,2013.

11.“An Exploration of the Causes of Witch Hysteria during the Early Modern Times in Europe”, Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University (Social Science), No.2,2004.

Scientific Research Projects:

1.“A Study on British Investigations into the Chinese Tea Industry from the Perspective of Colonialism (1787-1905)”, General Project of the National Social Science Fund.

2.“Research on British Tea Culture (1650-1900)”, Late-stage Funding Project of the National Social Science Fund.

3.“Research on the Dissemination and Localization of Tea Culture in Britain”, Beijing Foreign Studies University China Cultural Outreach Collaborative Innovation Center Funding Project.

4.“Tea Around the World: A Global History of Tea Culture”, Key Funded Project for the Popularization and Application of Social Sciences of Shandong.


Institute of European Civilazation